MDT Orientation – February 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of […]

From Forensic Interviewer to Expert Witness


As a Forensic Interviewer, receiving a subpoena to testify can be nerve-wracking - whether called to testify for the very first time or as an experienced expert witness. This presentation […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – February


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

MDT Orientation – March 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – March


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

MDT Orientation – April 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – April


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

MDT Orientation – May 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – May


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

MDT Orientation – June 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – June


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – July


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in Washington State including CAC-based, community-based, and systems-based advocates.  This is a supportive space to network, share current practices in the field, and receive input on […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocacy Roundtable – August


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]