Victim Advocacy Roundtable – January


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

MDT Orientation – February 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of the CAC movement and model, who is part of an MDT, and how case review works. The content in training will assist CACs in their […]

From Forensic Interviewer to Expert Witness


As a Forensic Interviewer, receiving a subpoena to testify can be nerve-wracking - whether called to testify for the very first time or as an experienced expert witness. This presentation will help brand new interviewers, and remind tenured interviewers, how to best prepare for their court testimony including: preparing, creating and maintaining a CV efficiently […]

February CACWA Accreditation Lunch & Learn – Diversity, Equity, and Access Standard


Accreditation is the highest level of membership that a CAC can achieve as part of NCA's nationwide network. It is a rigorous process that ensures quality evidence-based services are being provided by CACs for children and families according to NCA's National Standards of Accreditation. In this series we will review each of the standards and associated […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – February


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

MDT Orientation – March 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – March


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

MDT Orientation – April 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – April


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

MDT Orientation – May 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – May


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

MDT Orientation – June 2024


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Orientation is held on the first Wednesday of the month from 10:00-Noon.  MDT Orientation will provide foundational information to new MDT members that will further their understanding of […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]

Victim Advocate Roundtable – June


Victim Advocate Roundtable is held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  The group is open to victim advocates working with CACs and MDTs in […]

Washington Statewide Forensic Interview Peer Review


The purpose of forensic interview peer review is to provide Forensic and/or Child Interview Specialists and MDT Partners with an opportunity to review forensic interviews, discuss specific interview techniques, provide […]